Kazuhito Takadoi

Nature is both my inspiration and my source material.

Inspired by the rich woodland surrounding his birthplace of Nagoya, Japan, Kazuhito grows and hand picks grasses, leaves and twigs from his garden, sewing each blade through the paper. As the grasses dry and mature they embark on a subtle colour shift, comparative to seasonal change. Kazuhito’s exquisite works are full of dichotomies: his work is both minimal, yet opulent. It is simultaneously fragile yet has strength, and combines the formality of Eastern discipline with abstraction from Western art.

Kazuhito Takadoi’s interest in shadows is an important dimension to his grass, wood and twig sculptures, “As the light changes or the point of view is moved, so the shadows will create a new perspective.”

Kazuhito has also developed the embroidery process to include pure white Japansese book binding threads as a material. The flexibility and rigidity of these fibres give an even greater sense of three dimensionality to his work. Kazuhito uses a range of wood including Cedar of Lebanon, Oak, Elm and Walnut. The titles of his works allude further to the natural world, not only to the woodlands and materials he uses, but also to the weather and the cosmos. Apparently abstract, each piece has a story behind it.

Kazuhito trained in Agriculture and Horticulture in Japan the US and in the UK, before studying Art and Garden Design in the UK. His works are in important private and corporate art collections.