Thurle Wright

I am combining structures and systems from different worlds and putting them together in a new way.


Thurle Wright was born in Zimbabwe and now resides in Kent. She initially studied modern languages and literature before specialising in visual art, and achieving her Degree in Textiles from Goldsmiths College. She works with a plethora of text materials, transforming atlases, books and dictionaries into complex paper works.

Thurle’s intricate paper works are influenced by language, nature and their systematic and structural properties. Thurle patiently folds, morphs, cuts and contorts her various paper sources, in order to distort and deconstruct their original meaning and purpose. She frequently refers to maps and classical works of literature as her source material. In their original form, by reading a map or a book, the reader is taken on a different type of journey, which is paralleled by the complex transformation that these materials go through as they become artworks. Her paper shapes and the way they are tidily arranged render alluring works of art, which awaken curiosity.

Thurle has exhibited widely with galleries and art fairs across the UK, most notably at the V&A Museum of Childhood, Royal London Hospital and Canary Wharf. She has also showcased work abroad as far as Australia, California, Germany, Paris and Brussels.