Lucas Ferreira

I like earthy colours that evoke nature and can blend into a space rather than demand attention. My work is inspired by geological formations. I enjoy crafting minimalist textured studies inspired by how rocky surfaces are reshaped over time.


Lucas Ferreira 's works are made from small hand crafted fragments of ceramic. Small flat rectangles are joined together to form a circle. Each fragment, the same size and shape, one next to the other, almost sewn together, accumulated to form sequences, rhythms, which are then altered by the inclusion of black pieces.

Repetition, sequence, order and interruption convey the method by which the fragments are meticulously arranged creating geometric and abstract shapes. Some of the works appear at the same time in a series, where the alteration of the black pieces marks different spaces and rhythm in the compositions. The work is subtle, intriguing. Only a closer look will offer the viewer a rendition of what it is about. 

Lucas's visual language is very distinctive. His colours are subtle. White on white, or with a line of deep blues. White and black. Fading blues and greys, reminiscent of rain. Earth colours with oxidised greens.

Lucas studied Film Production in the London College of Communication. He learnt ceramics by assisting his mother, the ceramic artist Valeria Nascimento in her studio.. Lucas won the Ceramic Review Newcomer to Ceramic Art London 2019 and he was shortlisted as one of the few UK ceramic artists for the Korean Ceramic Biennale in 2021.

Lucas has shown in galleries in the UK and abroad and joined jaggedart in 2019.