Stuart Redler

I regard my work as observational...finding the beautiful in the ordinary. Inspiration can be quite arbitrary... a photo in a magazine, a person walking down the street, a dream.


Stuart has been a photographer since 1983, initially shooting for magazines and design companies. During the 90s he concentrated on photographing for advertising agencies, with clients including Volkswagen, IBM, Sony, Ford, Microsoft and Volvo.

The subjects he photographs vary from people to architecture to landscapes. He often uses hard directional sunlight or flash in order to gain stark, high-contrast images. He shoots exclusively in black and white and prints himself.

Stuart takes photographs of unusual architecture in unexpected ways. The intense contrasts of shades of black and white and his use of strong light gives Stuart's photographs a stark and unique quality. Architectural features take on abstract forms. Buildings become landscapes of pattern and texture. Redler shoots exclusively in black and white and prints his own works.

Redler has received many awards, including six from the Association of Photographers, who awarded him a Gold Medal in 2000 for his portfolio of Architectural Images. He has also received Graphis, PDN New York and Communication Arts Awards, amongst others.

Stuart was born in Somerset and studied economics until attending LCP in London to study for a Photography Degree. As well as appearing in various private collections, his work is included in the permanent collection at the National Portrait Gallery in London and has been exhibited at the V&A Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

He has been showing with jaggedart since 2008.