Sara J Beazley

There are endless possibilities and I think that is what keeps me hooked on printing.


Sara is a unique printmaker. She uses a series of different printing techniques, layering photography, screen printing, drawing, etching, drypoint and embossing.

Her work combines found images from architectural drawings, photographs, textiles, old postcards and stamps. The works then are rich with elements of colour, pattern and texture. She may use swatches from Liberty’s textiles, old French postcards encountered in street markets or her own archive of architectural photographs. With all these elements she creates a nostalgic sense of a place in each work. She layers intaglio printing techniques and collograph, the first printing technique she learnt. This intaglio process is often described as a more simple form of etching and uses a card or mount board as a printing plate instead of a metal.

Sara has a natural flair and eye for colour and design. Her upbringing and many travels in France, visiting museums, galleries, markets and shops have enriched her with a sophisticated yet very paired down style. Her travels and a period of time in the Far East have influenced her work. The use of colour is exquisite and has an eye for achieving exactly the right balance of imagery in the works.

Sara earned a Masters Degree from Camberwell College of Art in 2002, and has since lived and worked in London, Hong Kong, New York and Paris. Not only has she been exhibiting with jaggedart since 2003 but she has been part of our family working in the gallery and travelling to fairs abroad. She has also collaborated curating the show jaggedart at Home in 2019 with her exquisite eye for design.