Mónica Fierro

The books become like spaces behind the scenes or ‘mis en scenes’ where young ladies, gentlemen, flowers or birds crop up, dialogue and disappear, depending on the story I wish to tell.


Argentinean artist Mónica Fierro gives new life to the stories told in old, damaged books. Her work is inspired by embroidery, sewing, textiles and clothes making practised by the women in her family. Her books reveal feminine characters, particularly from illustrated English books from XVIII Century. Her heroines appear from the curled up or folded cut out pages becoming exquisite sculptures.

Although many of the characters of the books may be tormented or dramatic, a sense of humour and mischief permeates the works.

Mónica was born in Cordoba and lives in Buenos Aires. She has exhibited extensively in Argentina and has been awarded several prizes. She has been collaborating with jaggedart since 2012.