Jorge Sarsale

Jorge's work is nourished more by contexts than by the history of art. and as having trained and worked as an architect for many years, it is influenced by architectural thinking.

It was during his artistic practice that Jorge's investigation, appropriation, and development of different uses of paper consolidated it as his essential material. Parallel to this conclusion, other fundamental aspects of his work appeared: the definition of the surface of the plane as an area completely open to intervention, as an arbitrary slice of a specific situation in which there is no background and figure; in which treating the surface with shredded paper and applying it on the plane in a controlled way gives it its pictorial appearance.

Jorge works on the idea of what is not visible, that which is so overwhelmingly present it turns invisible; what is beneath the surface, meaning by surface that membrane which allows us to go beyond appearance. This is the point of departure of his work, which can manifest itself on the flat, even surfaces of canvases, directly on the wall itself, or at times appropriating space with interventions which attempt to resignify it.

His investigation on materiality has developed in parallel with the search for his own voice, his own way of saying something.

 Jorge Sarsale lives and works in Buenos Aires. He has been exhibiting with jaggedart since 2015.