Carlos Gómez Centurión

It is a moment of reflection and intense work on my paintings. There is a Nietzschean conviction in me that says that "inspiration" is the product of what is inspired: air, climate, geography. Thus, my work is not only the expression of an idea, but it is also physical, the body metabolising the environment. Now, I feel very close to the work of Utagawa Hiroshige, Katsushika Hokusai and Keisai Eisen, although I must confess that my paintings changed radically after looking at Turner's work ..... and also, I believe that all painters of the 20th century are children of Picasso.


Carlos Gómez Centurión is an Argentinean artist who was raised at the feet of the Andes. The mountains have become part of his essence. From his studio windows, he can witness the immensity of the landscape, the ever-changing colours of the mountains and the valley below.

On mules and with a team of professionals of diverse disciplines including a filmmaker, a poet and geologists, Carlos has gone up the Colorado River to develop an artistic multidisciplinary project. He stretches the canvases on the salt lake, and accompanied by the wind, sun and stars, he conveys the vastness of the territory.

The premise is to paint the site, immersed in the site. The hills have a will of their own. The winds, the unbearable heat, the intense cold, the dryness of the air, become the beating pulse of the mountain. Minerals and paint also become part of the work, translating with ochre, brown, gold, blue and green the richness of the mountain above. 

Carlos has been showing with jaggedart since 2017.