Jude Tucker, Dyad
Lucas Ferreira, Ebb and Flow
Juliet and Jamie Gutch, Ebulliance
Alison Gautrey, Eclipse Series
Carlos Gómez Centurión, El Oro de America I and II
Ricardo Cinalli, Espera
Katherine Jones, Estate Office
Rachel Shaw Ashton, Everybody Believes
Rachel Shaw Ashton, Everybody Believes (Black and White)
Lucas Ferreira, Fade
Katie Mawson, Feast
Katie Mawson, Feel The Glow
Lucy Bainbridge, Fermata (Battersea)
Lucy Bainbridge, Fermata (St. Pauls)
Alice Fox, Field Fragment: Flax 1
Peter Abrahams, Finery
Duke Christie, Fire Jar II
Duke Christie, Fire Seed
Stuart Redler, Fish Trap
Lis Costa, Flow
Bridget Bailey, Flowers and Grasses
Monica Fierro, Folded Pages
Tanya McCallin, Footed Offering Bowls
Charlotte Hodes, Fragmented Images
Priscilla Purcell, Fragments
Maria Smith, Fragments
Monica Fierro, Fragments
Jeremy May, Franz Kafka bracelet
Rachel Wickremer, Frequency
Kazuhito Takadoi, Fuyugiri (Winter mist)
Jude Tucker, Galenaia
Juliet and Jamie Gutch, Garden Series
Sara J Beazley, Gherkin IV
Abigail Booth, Ghost Wood
Lis Costa, Gold
Christopher Riggio, Gossamer Series
Alison Gautrey, Graphic Band series
Maria Smith, Grass Landscapes
Lucas Ferreira, Grey Fade and Grey Factions
Tina Vlassopulos, Grey/Blue Note Series
Roger Hardy, Guardians
Robyn Neild, Hawthorn Vessel
Juliet and Jamie Gutch, Held Series
Christopher Riggio, Higashi Box Series
Abigail Booth, Hollow Land
Patricia Swannell, Horizon Series
Kazuhito Takadoi, Hoshizora (Starry Sky)
Tom Hammick, House and Apple Tree
Rachel Shaw Ashton, How To Get To Heaven - Blue Pincushion
Alice Fox, Hybrid 3: Blue Spade and Bramble
Alice Fox, Hybrid 4: Yellow Trowel and Sweetcorn
Alice Fox, Hybrid 5 (Pink Trowel)
Alice Fox, Hybrids 8 & 9 (Fork and Trowel)
Batool Showghi, Immigrants No. 3
Naoko Tagai, In Search of Light
Stuart Redler, Incognito
Tina Vlassopulos, Innuendo Series
Bridget Bailey, Insects
Rachel Wickremer, Interlude
Jeremy May, Jane Austen
Roger Hardy, Journey Series
Katherine Jones, Jungle
Kazuhito Takadoi, Kado (Angle)
Kazuhito Takadoi, Kasumi (Haze)
Tom Hammick, Known to Every Star
Brenda Hoffman, La Promenade de Rilke 1
Brenda Hoffman, La Promenade de Rilke 12
Sara J Beazley, Landing I
Juliet and Jamie Gutch, Leaf senescence I - IV
Lis Costa, Lençóis Maranhenses
Ricardo Cinalli, Les Fleurs du Mal Series
Jude Tucker, Limestone Florals
Duke Christie, Limpets
Solange León, Lloyd Wright (triptych)
Lucy Bainbridge, London Eye
Tom Henderson, Loops
Peter Abrahams, Lustre
Tracey Bush, Madama Butterfly
Katherine Jones, Magenta Strip
Charlotte Hodes, Making Contact Series
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