A selection of beautiful works of art and handmade objects for inspiring Christmas gifts.
Peter Abrahams | Bridget Bailey | Tracey Bush | Paula Castro | Mercedes Castrop Corbat | Ricardo Cinalli | Lis Costa | Lucas Ferreira | Monica Fierro | Forest + Found | Alison Gautrey | Juliet and Jamie Gutch | Roger Hardy | Tom Henderson| Katherine Jones | Emily Kidson | Chloe Lennon | Jeremy May | Katie Mawson | Stef Mitchel | Valéria Nascimento | Priscilla Purcell | Stuart Redler | Rachel Shaw Ashton | Patricia Swannell | Kazuhito Takadoi | Jude Tucker | Tina Vlassopulos | Maria Wojdat | Thurle Wright
ceramics | drawings | jewellery | objects | paper cut outs | photographs | prints | sculpture | textiles | works on paper | wood |
Related artists
Alison Gautrey
Jeremy May
Jude Tucker
Juliet and Jamie Gutch
Katherine Jones
Katie Mawson
Kazuhito Takadoi
Lis Costa
Lucas Ferreira
Maria Wojdat
Mónica Fierro
Patricia Swannell
Peter Abrahams
Rachel Shaw Ashton
Ricardo Cinalli
Roger Hardy
Stuart Redler
Thurle Wright
Tina Vlassopulos
Tom Henderson
Valéria Nascimento
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