Katie Mawson, A Slice of Blue
Katie Mawson, To Dumfries and Galloway
Katie Mawson, To Sing
Maria Smith, Grass Landscapes
Alice Fox, Arc I & II
Alice Fox, Daffodil Weaves
Justine Randall, Portrait of Sheela Ji
Justine Randall, Mist over the Himalayas III
Christopher Riggio, Gossamer Series
Tina Vlassopulos, Innuendo Series
Robyn Neild, Cottages Series
Robyn Neild, Poppies
Robyn Neild, Thistle Series
Robyn Neild, Wigwam Series
Kazuhito Takadoi, Fuyugiri (Winter mist)
Rachel Shaw Ashton, We Love You So Much – Damask Rose Rose
Duke Christie, Rococo Vase
Duke Christie, Salmons
Duke Christie, Limpets
Maria Wojdat, Abstract Wall Pieces
Maria Wojdat, Angled Vessels
Maria Smith, Fragments
Justine Randall, Rooftops Delhi
Batool Showghi, Captured in a Box