Special Edition | Tom Henderson

twenty one material conversations and beyond

Publisher: jaggedart

Pages: 539

For twenty one years, jaggedart has been dedicated to works of art that embrace materiality and craftsmanship. With twenty one material conversations and beyond…we hope to reflect what the gallery is about and echo what we have been doing and showing throughout the years.

We are so honoured that the book has Forewords by Rebecca Salter — President of the Royal Academy of Arts — and Deborah Pocock — CEO of QEST, Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust.

The book includes wonderful portraits of a selection of our artists by Alun Callender and informative interviews by Rachelle Gryn Brettler that give insight into the artists, their inspiration and working practice.

We have invited some of the gallery artists to create a special artwork to accompany the publication, which is inserted within the book, thus creating a unique objet.

Tom Henderson| Plinth Studies

Copper, oil and acrylic paint | Artwork size: 6 x 6 cm | Paper size: 14.5 x 14.5 cm